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As a painter, I create works inspired by the natural world. I have a deep interest in the land. I want to heal the fractured relationship between people and nature. My artworks are attempts to make sense of the chaos and beauty in the natural world. Working at a Five Element Acupuncture College, I have embodied and studied the 5 Elements - earth, fire, water, wood and metal. I am ever curious about how nature heals itself and in turn if we want to heal our own bodies, we only need to look at nature. I am constantly observing these parallels and intuitively extending it through my paintings.
I want to celebrate nature and am in awe at how it withstands being battered, stepped on, stripped and contaminated. Much like how society treats not only the earth but other human beings. I appreciate the beauty and ugliness of our world. I sit in nature's glory and meditate on how it came to this place. Through this contemplation, I want to capture this dichotomy of yin and yang in nature through my mark making, colors, movement of brush and palette knife in my artwork. Maybe in some small way, I will influence a person to look at nature in all its glory and respect what it gives us. To slow down and appreciate the smallest flower or the beauty in a rotten tree or a wasp nest.
My aesthetic choices are intuitive. I want to make sense of the chaos and beauty of the natural world as well as my life. My current choice of material is oil and acrylic on canvas. My artwork as been displayed in many galleries in the Denver area. A billboard of my artwork was chosen to display at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts chosen by the Commission for Denver Theatre Arts. I was the first Director of Ice Cube Gallery, a member of Ice Cube Gallery, Pirate Gallery and Zip Gallery. I am currently a member of D'Art Gallery. In 2000, I graduated summa cum laude from Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in Denver, CO. I currently work and live in Denver, CO.
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, BFA Painting/Drawing. Graduated Summa Cum Laude, 2000
Naropa University, Masters Art Therapy Program, August 2002 to January 2004, Boulder, CO
2025 D'Art Gallery, "The Days of Velvet Skies and the Smell of Lemons." Denver, CO
2013 Ice Cube Gallery, “Nonetheless,” Denver, CO
2012 Ice Cube Gallery, “She was hungry for......,” Denver, CO
Pirate Contemporary Art, “Body Dysmorphia,” Denver, CO 2011
Ice Cube Gallery, “Screaming Rabbits,” Denver, CO
2010 Ice Cube Gallery, “Meat Market,” Denver, CO
Zip Gallery, “Cooler Doors,” Denver, CO
2009 Sellars Project Space, “The Butcher’s Daughter,” Denver, CO
2008 Alumni Gallery, Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Denver, CO
2024 Rose Andom Center, "Get Loud" Denver, CO
​D'ART Gallery, Colorado Women's Art Museum Exhibition Part 2, "I Belong in a Museum." Denver, CO.
D’ART Gallery, “Five Years Five Cheers”,Denver, CO
Next Gallery, “Body of Knowledge 2”, Denver, CO
2023 931 Gallery, “OurView WCACO Members Show”, Denver, CO
Foothills Art Center, “2023 Member’s Show”, Golden, CO
2022 Lone Tree Art Expo 21st Annual Exhibition, Lone Tree CO Juror: Collin Parson. Received "Best of Show"
D’Art Gallery, “Spot #3,” Denver, CO Juror: Doug Kacena
Edge Gallery, “The Road Less Traveled: Personal Journeys in Contemporary Art,” Lakewood, CO Juror: Andre Lippard
2021 Lone Tree Art Expo, “Exploring the Light,” Lone Tree, CO Juror: Janice Sugg
D’Art Gallery, “Spot on #2,” Denver, CO Juror: Gwen Chanzit
2016 Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, “Art of the State,” Arvada, CO Jurors: Gwen Chanzit: Michael Chavez 2015
Gallery 970, “The Color Show,” Loveland, Co
2014 Love Gallery, “Succulents and Savages,” Denver, CO Curator Tracy Tomko
2012 Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, “An Intimate Dialogue: 7 Women, 7 Voices.” Curator Theresa Anderson and Collin Parsons
Ice Cube Gallery, “Icebreaker 3,” Curated by Gwen Chanzit, Denver, CO
2011 Arlington Museum of Art, “Hightower,” Arlington, TX
Ice Cube Gallery, “1:1,” Denver, CO
Pirate Contemporary Art, “Dias de Los Muertos,” Denver, CO
2010 Ice Cube Gallery, “Friends and Family,” Denver, CO
910 Events Gallery, “I Paint Therefore I Am,” Denver, CO
2009 11th Avenue Gallery, “Mongst,” Denver, CO
Ice Cube Gallery, “Buy Art, Not Underwear,” Denver, CO
Dry Ice Factory, “Diversified Portfolio,” Denver, CO
2008 Next Gallery, “Artists Against Convention,” Denver, CO
2007 Pirate Contemporary Art, “Outsider’s Show,” Denver, CO
Core New Art Space, “The Red Show,” Denver, CO
Art Students League of Denver, “Impact 20 years,” Denver, CO
2006 Phillip J Steele Gallery, “Place: Fine Art Alumni Invitational,” Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Denver, CO
2005 Core New Art Space, “Under a Foot and Off the Wall,” Denver, CO
Space Gallery, “Annual Group Exhibition,” Juried by Cydney Payton, Robin Rule, and Michael Burnett, Denver, CO
St Mark’s Coffeehouse, “Hints of Us: An Exhibition of Experimental Paintings,” Denver, CO
2003 Naropa University, Paramita Campus Gallery, “Moving Through,” Boulder, CO
2001 Raven’s Nest Gallery, Denver, CO
Singer Gallery, “Gridlock,” Jewish Community Center, Denver, CO
Phillip J Steele Gallery, “Graduate Exhibition,” Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Denver, CO
Mu Gallery, “National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts: Ceramics Exhibition,” Rocky Mountain College of Art
and Design, Denver, CO
Mu Gallery, “Images of Science,” Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Denver, CO
Fine Arts Gallery, “Student Exhibition,” Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Denver, CO
1999 Phillip J Steele Gallery, “Student Exhibition,” Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Denver, CO
2006 “Spontaneous Combustion,” 45 Degrees Art Gallery, Arvada, CO
2010 Billboard for Denver Center for the Performing Arts chosen by the Commission for the Denver Theatre Arts
2000 Mural for Ocean Journey, “Sharkscape,” 7’x6’ Acrylic on Board, Denver, CO
2012 Contemporary Painters by Danijela Kracun and Charles McFadden; published by
2012 Theresa Anderson, review of “She was hungry for....” Invisible Museum
2011 Theresa Anderson, review of “Screaming Rabbits,” Art Colorado
2010 Michael Paglia, review of “Meat Market,” Ice Cube Gallery, Westword
2006 Michael Paglia, review of “Place: Fine Art Alumni Invitational,” Westword
2005 Dave Babek, Denver Community Television, “Starfish on Broadway Show,” Program discussing “Hints of Us” Exhibition
1999 The Denver Post review of “Gridlock” at Singer Gallery
Westword, Michael Paglia review of “Gridlock” at Singer Gallery
2005 to 2007 Teaching Experimental Painting and Introduction to Painting at my art studio
2009-2010 Director of Ice Cube Gallery RINO Denver, CO 2010-2014 Treasurer of Ice Cube Gallery
2001 Colorado Council on the Arts Board, Appointed by Governor Romer in July 1998 Chairman of Art in Public Places Committee
1997 Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities Board, appointed by the Arvada City Council. Vice-Chair of Board (2000). Served on Gallery/Museum, Development and Nominating Committees
2022 “Best of Show-Painting” Lone Tree Arts Expo 21st Year Exhibition
2000 “Best of Fine Arts Department in Painting,” Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design;
Colorado State Merit Scholarship, Spring
1999 The Chuck Mattox Memorial Scholarship, Colorado State Merit Scholarship, Spring, Summer, Fall
1998 Colorado State Merit Scholarship, Spring, Summer, Fall
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